Tuesday 11 September 2012


Sorry to be a pain, but I've decided to relocate my blog to my tumblr account.  The new link is http://cryleegoestocapernwray.tumblr.com/.  It just makes thing easier because I can keep both of my blogs in the same place!  

Friday 7 September 2012

I booked my first ever hotel room!

This actually happened last week, but I forgot to post a blog about it!

I booked my first ever hotel room! (Please note: this makes me feel extremely adult.)

It's a gorgeous little bed and breakfast type thing in Carnforth, UK.  I'll be staying there on my first night in England since I'm arriving a day before I'm actually able to go the school.

This is it! The adorable Capernwray House.

It's called Capernwray House and is approximately 15 minutes (walking) away from Capernwray Hall.  As far as I can tell, that is the only connection to the school.  It's beautiful and so cute.  Yes, at the same time.  It's a small stone building on 11 acres of land.  There are only four rooms available for rent.  And there is a red phone booth outside of it!  SO British I love it.

This is our room.  Or something like it anyway.

I'm sharing a room with another girl who is going to Capernwray who I met in the Capernwray Hall 2012-2013 facebook group.  Social media rocks because it made this room affordable for us!

A window seat! There is a window seat!

And the view from the window seat. So perfect. Except it'll be fall when I get there so it'll look a little different.

I am really looking forward to staying here!  And if I like it then I'll probably stay a night at the end of my program on my way back to London!

 - - -

From Wednesday to Friday I went to my grandparents' house in Cochrane to spend some time with them and to get a change of scenery (being at home is getting really tiresome).  Yesterday my grammi and I went into Calgary so I could pick up a few things I'll need.  So I got a memory card for the DSLR camera she is lending me, a bag to put the camera in, an external harddrive to store the thousands of pictures I'll be taking, a sleeve for my macbook to protect it from travel, and they also got me my Christmas and birthday present since I'll be out of continent on those days.  They got me the most beautiful leather jacket!  Merry Christmas and happy 20th birthday to me!

I also went to the bank and exchanged some of my (soon to be useless to me) Canadian dollars for Great Britain pounds.  They only had 50 pound notes in "stock", but that's okay.  It doesn't even look like real money to me!  It's so weird!

50 pound note from the Bank of England.