Monday 27 August 2012

Reasons why Today is a Good Day

1. I finished all of my unpacking and putting away from camp. Huzzah!
2. I watched some episodes from the first season of The OC, which is still SUCH a good show.
3. It's a beautiful night in Airdrie so I decided to go for a bike ride...
4. ... And because I exercised, I deserved a reward, right?  This reward came in the form of rocky road ice cream.
5. And last, but CERTAINLY not least, I will be flying to England exactly one month from today (almost to the minute!).

Sunday 26 August 2012

So, what exactly is Capernwray?

Good question!

Capernwray Hall is a part of the Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers.  Simply put, it is a Bible school.  There are Capernwray institutions all over the world, but the one that I have chosen to attend is in Northern England.
Capernwray Hall, Carnforth, England.  I did not take this photo.
Seeing as I have not been there yet, all of the information that I have about it comes from the internet.  This next paragraph of information comes mostly from wikipedia (very scholarly, I know).

The building, considered to be a country house, was built in 1805 for the Marton family (I do not know who they are).  It is a listed building of grade II*, which means that it is a particularly important building of more than special interest.  Basically, the government thinks it ought to be protected.  All this means to me is that I get to live in a castle for six months!

What Capernwray is, though, (the school, not the building), is an international forum to learn about and talk about God, the Bible, and application of our faith to our every day lives.

I am so excited to get there and to begin being challenged in my faith; to see how I am going to grow and change.  I'm also excited to go to the Harry Potter museum, but that's another story.

Saturday 25 August 2012


Hi!  I'm Reilly and I cry a lot.  In case you didn't put two and two together, that's where the nickname "Crylee" came from.  Now, when I say I cry a lot, I mean it.  A LOT.  I cry when I'm happy; I cry when I'm sad, frustrated, scared.  You name it, I'm probably crying during it.  It's mostly funny though, so don't worry.

As this is my first ever blog post, I'm going to tell you a little bit about my life in a series of words and pictures.

I live with my mum, Tracey.  She's my best friend in the whole wide world.  She's been such an incredible mother to me, both making a living and making a home for us.  I think she's the coolest lady in the universe.
This is me and my mum.  We climbed a mountain on the day this was taken!

I LOVE bunnies.  Love them.  You have no idea.  Unless you know me, then you probably have a pretty good idea of how much I love bunnies.  I had a pet bunny when I was very little, but it ran away in a tragic I-forgot-to-close-the-latch accident.  
My mum brought this stuffed bunny home for me when I was very small.
I love to read.  And drink tea.  Sometimes I even do these things at the same time, which is pretty much my exact definition of bliss.  I would describe myself as an "up and coming loose leaf tea snob".  DAVIDsTEA is my favourite tea store.  Bravissimo is my favourite flavour of their teas.  I have 750g of it to take to England with me!
My current stash of DAVIDsTEAs.
I have two half brothers and a pseudo sister.  Ashton, Brody, and I have the same dad.  Teneal, Ashton, and Brody have the same mum.  (It's confusing, I know).  They mean the world to me and it makes me sad that I don't see them as much as I would like to.
This is my little sister.  She's a year older now though.  Pictures of my brothers will follow eventually, I promise.
Other things I like/love: Roots, Gilmore Girls, American Eagle Outfitters, the Killers, country music, British things (all I want is to be British), Fossil, clothes, shopping, singing (though I can't carry a tune in a bucket).

For the past six years (summers only), I've worked at Camp Evergreen.  It is the most fantastic place.  It truly is a huge part of who I am today.  I've just finished up my first year working on the program team, and I think it went quite well!  You can check out what they're up to at the Green Spot: